It’s time to bring people together.
We believe the third sector has a disproportionate impact on our rural communities.
And rural communities have a disproportionate impact on our national governance. This necessitates the need for a disproportionate focus on understanding the rural third sector.
We need real data, real stories, and real insights. The Rural Philanthropy Institute (RPI) finds it, and shares it.
RPI brings together practitioners, academics, and interested people together to develop data, share stories and experiences, and gain insights that offer a greater understanding of what’s required to have a healthy community in rural areas. We disseminate what we learn. We look at the practical application of it. And we openly share it.
Why the RPI was founded
RPI was organized by the principals of The Numad Group, a consulting firm that works exclusively with nonprofit organizations to support them in a variety of ways to achieve greater impact. Through the firm’s work with a wide spectrum of nonprofits, the principals came to a clear understanding and appreciation of the disproportionate impact of the nonprofit sector in rural areas. Interest in the effectiveness of the sector, coupled with the increased national focus on understanding the rural experience in recent years, and the lack of reliable primary data about rural America, led to the creation of the RPI.
Who we partner with
RPI works only through referral. We provide behind-the-scene support through research, program development and consultation to increase the understanding and effectiveness of nonprofit work in rural areas.
RPI partners with national foundations, universities, government entities and other nonprofits in this work.